The objective of this agenda is to help restaurateurs to understand the process of digital and technological transformation of the industry and how innovation and new technologies represent the great revolution of the sector changing the business model. The Digital Agenda of HIP2019 has several objectives: to understand the process of digital transformation of the industry, to learn to relate to the online environment, and to show formulas of collaboration between the technological industry and the restoration. We will discuss with Diego Coquillat how to approach the positioning, understand the reputation, monetize the social media presence transforming the likes into clients, the best way to plan the strategy on Instagram, or how to manage the relationship with the client with the empathy in the online conversations. We will evaluate the irruption of digital management tools in the era of digital transformation, all with practical workshops on how to use the latest and most effective digital marketing tools to position the business. The second edition of this agenda offers solutions to attract customers in the networks, manage online reputation, understand how agencies and the largest sales platforms work.
• Digital workshops with Diego Coquillat, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
• Food, Restaurants and Technology with Beatriz Romanos, Monday and Tuesday
• Gastronomy Start Up Forum with BCC, Wednesday
• Diego Coquillat Awards, Wednesday